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  Thursday - May 16, 2024  

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Tennessee Petitions is current undergoing a design change to allow us to better display the details of the scandals reported here. Keep checking back with the site as we continue to better the site and add more facts.

Clarksville Marina Project - 2003

Marina project study, in 2003, for placement of a Marina on 246 acres of land beside Jostens along Hwy 48. Development to have included:
Marina, Pavilions, Walk Trails, Public Resturant as well as 5 areas of parking that could have been used for overflow parking from the fairgrounds as well.

View the PDF file

HOPE - Downtown Blight Designation - 12.14.07
Audacious. Over the top. Unprecedented. A developer’s “fantasy come true.” All words used Friday evening to describe the Clarksville Center Redevelopment Plan that deems 1800 parcels of lands and two square miles of the city as “blighted,” a move that would allow the city to take property designated as blighted and “redevelop” it to its maximum potential.


Headline News Warning

7-Scandalizing-years…from...Parasites scamming citizens ever since a tornado struck Clarksville Tennessee in 1999...

Suspicious activity…found in Justice Gaps was discovered, linking to 600 disaster victims, being defrauded by various Discriminatory acts…behind the scenes, mixed closely into this local Government…bogusly-created…this CBID-CBD Central Business District, abusing this 50-year City Charter, being obsolete, mostly unaccountable for overlooking audit control for self-profiteering…
…Illegal-boards become Parasites…with more power than the Federal Government, mostly to re-strain lame victims to leverage properties…ignoring the Constitutional clauses…defrauding them regardless of their damage…
1999 Clarksville Tornado Disaster
1999 Clarksville Tornado Disaster.

1999 Clarksville Tornado Disaster
Clarksville Tornado victims defrauded.

Tennessee Petition - Case# TN00508344
Wake - Up - Tennessee

Your Rights Maybe Affected !!!
If you, or someone you know suffered Great Lossses by a natural disaster, then your Constitutional Rights may have been violated! If you were impacted personally by a disaster in this State then chances are you as a Citizen of Tennessee hold a valid discrimination Claim.

Please fill out, sign and mail in this Petition!

Print extra copies of the Petition to distribute to others. Tennessee Citizens Speak out for Change!
Tornado Disaster that hit Tennessee Citizens
600 Tennessee citizens suffered loss. Federal Aid was allicated and zero funds made it to the victims. Citizens denied emergency dollars on top of being restricted by the State and Local authorities.

Disaster #1262


Illegal Dump Site on Boot Hill.
Waste Fraud and Abuse Found!
Illegal Dump Site
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