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  Monday - November 25, 2024  

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Disaster Audit
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    Greetings, my name is Robert H. Melton…Being…responsible to formulate the Audit Committee in 2003, to prosecute the white-collar crimes, in Clarksville, explaining how these crimes were disasters related abuse, totally mishandled, overlooked by our governments, in the mist—allowing such unruly beholden power to mistreat these sole survivors, —cheated—lied to—scammed —foreclosed on, pushed in bankruptcy in some situations—just to beat them— in taking their properties—yet, no-one-cares today in America, to follow the Constitution that warrants those who survive disasters, barely making it through this event, losing what little they had,—left basically with nothing, from a tornado in 1999 being blame for this foul play.

    The rise of political corruption, unfolds without a doubt, scars on these people and landscape, indeed— just for stealing contents from their legal rights …blinded by government trust, that honor self-ruling stipulations, just for these few to rob them personally from their dignity…Its clear they starved them-out-over a period of time, using-unlawful rules, that cultivated them, right off their land, leaving some elderly homeless…

    When Mayor Trotter did away with most everything in Piper’s post administrations, to cover-up 20 million… which corruptibility started this readily investigation, that unraveled this particular 4-years after this event to find out these great distortions, made-it difficult to get a handle on how these perpetrated scam-artist—“activated such a vigorous pattern” …If Senator Alexander fails to endorse a prosecution formal entry order in July, than the Civil damage could cost well over a Billion dollars in discriminatory-Lawsuits— that reflects how the magnitude of faults in our governmental affairs…are faced with negligence in knowing about these detailed crimes found since 2004, that swindling most people that once lived in /or through this devastation—bottom line…they were strip them from everything , they ever own…

1. Overview: The Mayors-oversight views of a Perpetrated Scam
2. Objective: A Pledge for Justice
3. Background Review
4. Discriminatory Complaints…Tipper Gore’s Live Video footage taken in the Red-River-District…
5. Introduction…TO-CBID
6. CBID-CBD- Takes Illegal Action…Feb. 4, 1999
7. Constitutional Statutory Crimes
8. Mistakes…Landfill / Tipping Fee Fraud…
9. Prohibited Specifications
10. Document “A” March 2, 1999
11. Document “B”
12. DDP…Downtown District Partnership…Conflicts of interest
13. CBID-Central Business Improvement and Redevelopment District
14. CBD—Central Business District…
15. Illegal Landfill on Boot-Hill…FEMA PAID-FOR… Distorted Demolition Claims
16. Fraudulent Professional Services… insurance fraud-demolition
17. Life Threaten Liability …for re-entering the devastation for only 1-hour
18. Bank Fraud-influenced by…DDP…Downtown District Partnerships
19. Insurance Distortion Fraud…Professional Scam Artist
20. Fraudulent Lawsuit leads to—premeditated Bankruptcy
21. 3-Year State-Statute of Limitations played out …Fraud
22. United States Bankruptcy Court Complaints
23. The Big Break…AUDIT RECORDS …State Comptroller NO-RESPONCE
24. The Building Codes Director-Blamed...Harassed/Fired/Resigns,
25. City Civil Engineer...Blamed- Fired/Resigns… Deposition, May 23, 2002…
26. Distorted Demolition Landfill Tickets---Fraud Disputes
27. CBID-CBD-DDP…Distorted Meeting Minutes…
28. Civil Engineer gave Fraudulent Expert Waterproofing Discloser
29. 1957 Charter…WINS...Fraud-Alert…reported to the State Comptroller
30. Sixteen City Officials conceals…by signing a Confidentially Agreement
31. City Attorney approves Damage Building agreement Settlement in 2004
32. FRAUD…State of Tennessee (A&E)…Architect Engineering Board Complaint Filed
33. to 70. Matrix Ledger of Referrals…Exhibits…


A.—On January 22, 1999…A tornado struck the downtown area in Clarksville at 4:10 AM… Miraculously—no one was killed by this deadly event…however, the best explanation to offer you about what really happen to these people, came to light, when researching this complex legacy, 4-years turns-out to be a different form of political distortion, driven locally, but embedded inside the City Charter, shielded from federal security, undermining the entire Title-6 equal-rights amendments…
B.—We learned a great deal, researching throughout this mangled forest of poorly kept records, investigating fret stories, re-scripting a realistic truth, basically for re-detailing the facts as to what really happen an how most of these victims, lost their independence…It was difficult the last 3-years, which we managed to put back together a good understanding on how these historical patterns of crimes were committed, dated back to the day of origin…
C.—The facts,—will-explain—different segment in how/still active patterns of distortions, were kept concealed to fool these trusted people was brought to the attention for the U.S. attorney general to assign a prosecutor in 2004 to stop these selected perpetrators…better explained in details later…
D.—We collected mostly data needed, that relates, to how/why this vigorous scheme was covered-up so-well—hiding the—unbearable suffering going on, in a undocumented disaster, that afflicted raw household damage imposed on these people in a poor condition, over years now after this tornado event, seemingly they would have been much better off, if they were all killed that morning of the tornado!!!
E.—This Committee was formed in 2003, just to shed light on how this misconduct can do this type of business, exposing those to bring justice for the damaged, that reflects this hardship… It’s hard to comprehend why extremists went to such great measures to carry-out betrayed scams, best described in details later, telling how this active streams of strength, maybe in Katrina…when the truth is known….
F.—A harsh enforcements must of taken place to rebel against 600 victims, federally protected to start with — but something did happen to blind their ability in need of help—causing violent people in the long run, knowing now the truth how, there government betrayed them—...
G.—Its clear now, the people were fooled by different calibers of unlawful-barriers around this devastated area, for several months, turning into years, which hundreds of police officers alternated in times… to stop all traffic, trying to encounter this area, but due to the fact, no-one had disaster handling experience, making it extremely difficult to get approvals an handle salvageable personal belonging, ruining from extremely rainy patterns, basically accomplish nothing…
H.—Contractors, that consolidated forces, in combating this devastation, turned-out—bankrupt because this incompetent government, failed the fundamental standards to stabilize this disaster area…
I.—A formula will show unlawfully guidelines, better explained why this CBID plan did failed, to restore this community, rewarding only a corruptible posture in the CBID,—apparently—OK for taking authority with no disaster related knowledge, other than afflict difficulties, on victims, using local self-appointed administrations, to empower some personally to over-rule such a aggressive recovery process…which no uprooted the entire community, supposedly under federal protection…
J.—The only achievements this CBID is noted for, in lame-man terms, was putting these victims in the street by created laws, appointed by the mayor, which ruined these victims—for the rest of their life…
K.—Very-few remember this untold event, or even understand the magnitude to how mental damage was caused from this occurrence…relates to why now no agency from our government, did anything—but allow …afflicted depressions, to add extend years of decay—to this over stressed community…
L.—Due to the facts, it’s clear that several postulate members on this CBID, planning board new how they wanted to reform for them personally, ruling in better terms under this CBID, making their own active delegated power, that would control how this affected area, in failing to restore, which had the blessing from the State of Tennessee by resolution that approved this arm of power called the CBID-CBD-DDP-Partnership District—authorities…explained later in detail…


    This mindful documentary is to make sure Congress set some form of a basic guideline standard that mandate, penalties to stop these reformulating scammers theoretically, before these fueling conspiracies spread into our countries posture, forming a up-right strength, based on knowledge we know in collected data…how these scam artist, demonstrated in this community…
    Scam artist, apparently bond very well inside disastrous restricted areas, therefore we hope to raise a ridge-of-ground to offset Congress, in adhering to grasp to a prosecution order for this damage an try to understand our mission, to stomp out this type of behavior—existing—in—America…

    As we learn more, about how negligence works for our government, you will be more competent to understand we must stop ignoring, careless matters, being misled by our Constitutes which fail to returns calls or recognize the manifolds of manifestations, identified throughout this investigation…

    This notice declaims noble rights to speak for its self, as you learn more about how simple; it really is to commit these discriminatory crimes—deceiving our own American traditions…

    Our gratitude is offered to help our civilians, making sure we learn scam-awareness before the next future disasters, securing our independent dignity— Website, tennesseepetitions.com

    This is a critical chapter for American history, being a very important role model for Congress to learn in detail about how our culture, indeed needs, to aim in explaining a better way, how generated delegated powers can corruptibly over-influence common laws, in such a venerable persuasive way, that sets a stage for all disasters scammers, knowing its wrong, but how far can you carry various crimes before making believers out of people, being mistreated by simulations of doing right, with all intentions to defraud the government or people from the start…which in this case…both…

    Miraculously, this perpetrated schematic plan worked very well in this uneducated State, as to carried-out to the fullest, these un-challenged complaints by out governments so far, contributes to why crimes exist today in every disaster…The State honored such a compelling CBID guideline that continues today in allowing scam artist to still strengthen themselves by victimizing the weak area like the Red-River-district, a target area in Clarksville, barely existing

    You must wonder how this fraudulent contest can handicap these disaster events and still get away with-it in America… Which history repeats it’s self—(Katrina)—mainly because our governments is weak in reinforcement an lawful in leadership that continue to fail in education for our nation, to understand how these scam programs should process;

    Unlawfully restrictions were placed over people holding them—hostage…by falsifying the audits in this case, losing the control of an accurate accounting process, basically was planned and why these insufficient audits-was substituted in overlooking various superseded frauds…

  • In 2003; we discovered that Clarksville, failed for several reasons to complete a vital audit; that links right to these disaster conspirators—ruling over how the disaster recovery would be processed, in making sure, selected managements destroyed or hid related records from auditors in 2003 at that given time, solely for the general purpose to distort the whereabouts of $15,744,000.00… a critical specified amount released from Washington…?
  • Poor assessments, hold the biggest portions of fraud in Clarksville—lured us to believe in this investigation the past 4-years, brought us one step closer to justice each-day;
  • The city officials committed several types of discriminatory crimes, under the 1957 private code city charter, to carelessly void discriminatory relationships in adhering to adopt a viable audit policy every two years, which the City is not required to meet most Federal guidelines for funding, that pertains to why there is a enormous amount of fraud being carried-out, overlooked by the state auditors….as in AIM…
  • A estimated 600+victims, lost their rights, due to this untruthful stipulations placed over their ability, with no other choice for help, but to inherit this outrageous CBID-CBD-DDP district…waiting 5-months to be rezoned in July…1999…
  • When this new district was created it corral most of the disaster area, so abruptly in destroying those ability to work in/or around Clarksville, leaving most businesses with a burden of lost income in a miserable economic decline to collapsed under this faulty CBID plan, contributes to why there is multiple scars on Clarksville’s landscape, the reason businesses were forced out, within this affected areas for the rest of their life…
  • Still today, some individuals are blessed with the burden, in knowing the truth, about what really happen, and some are still afraid, of the truth, bitter in a declining mental state, facing exhaustion from failures in trying to maintain their livelihood prosperity, due to the facts that Clarksville, continues to fail a regulatory standards…
  • If we can’t warrantee catastrophic events in honest terms, by doing prompt audits, then we will continue to be a perilous nation, ignoring these white-collar criminals…
  • These unbearable discriminatory crimes hold firm statute over any no-audit processes, maybe readily common in most occurrences, but in this particular case, was imbedded for a reason with a large amount of fraud in given detail, gives us grounds for prosecution and abolish this City private charter, all in the same timely manner...
  • Our mission…is-set to trump this political era, well connected to political corruption in Clarksville’s disaster related frauds, exposing those guilty that encountered racketeering…
  • This incident could affect the Tennessee State bar association for allowing these fractured common laws to exist…in term they fail to comply with a sustainable sufficient audit standard that meets federal compliances for the best interest in this states future security…

    The City councils, has no control over corruption, or knowledgeable enough, to consider how to stop such a limited self authority taking control, allowing the CBID-CBD unsustainable self-control; rested under the obsolete 1957 private code act charter, being incapable to meet compliance or long-term planning…that keep records for civil disastrous expenditures…

    Best said in lame-man terms, we have no audit capability to know how—to control budgetary boundaries, and the State of Tennessee doesn’t require much of a audit standard, under these charters, which most likely contributes to automatic discrimination found to be the case pushing citizens into condemnation by overlooking such a high level of white-collar record-distortions in these disasters areas, which the State accepted…

    On January 22, 1999, an F-4 tornado ripped through downtown Clarksville Tennessee… ranging from 880 yards in width, totally devastated the heart of town which was hit the hardest…
  • On 1/27/99 a preliminary damage estimate was poorly completed on the behalf of FEMA for the State of Tennessee, City of Clarksville and Montgomery County, being a preliminary survey only at that time done in adverse weather conditions lasting days…
  • Clarksville had very limited manpower with no disaster reassessment skills, to contain proper funding for a devastated, area this size, apparently no one cared about the amount of damage afflicted on these citizens being wiped-out, still today…
  • As a whole, the Citizens of Clarksville was ignorant in facts, shielded the same time from knowing the long-term affects of fraud performance by this new formed district that impacted their ability,—clearly a discriminatory crime… negligence of the City for not making sure these stabilizations plans were carried out for appropriated funds…

    An unacceptable valuation was done, under poor conditions; using public right-of-way or parking lots that were accessible, which most of the areas, were deemed off-limits, or prohibited, to allow assessors to even access the damaged area…
    The multi-story building, with flat roofs not readily safe or visible, being used under the adverse conditions would require a major follow-up was a fatal mistake to be done by trained professionals… that finalized a very extensive damage report which [failed] because we had no skilled assistance to act on procurements…
    Regrets are a dime a dozen in what happen; allowing officials to be influenced by this CBID that failed to utilize FEMA guidelines in carrying-out a thorough statute for funding… If engineering damage assessment supported certified appraisal to make sure mandated assists, worked effectively with federal agencies that support insurance adjustors, in how to handle apps for relief, instead the City decisions were placed under this CBID-CBD management…

  • Constant, stipulates failures by damage categories, were never clear from these distort facts, that none of these 515 civilians, were helped, contributes to recognize statutory FRAUDS…

  • The City Records had to be destroyed in relation to why 18-months of the City records were deemed missing from the beginning in 1999, which rebutted an argument with the State Comptroller after the fraudulent review, was complete, that noted, local management, had destroyed theses critical records, that stopped the audit…

    The State of Tennessee entertained this discriminatory acting district for control, being influenced through Senator Rosalind Kurita and Kim McMillian being assigned to some of these district Committees…being a part of the State lawmakers, that granted the City of Clarksville all the power needed to control this newly formed district, still empowered today, by this CBID-CBD-DDP…

  • We are committed to do a much better job in understanding catastrophic assessment terminology making sure government entities meet mandatory accountability…
  • We have filed multiple complaints, to execute this civilian investigation, being very cautious in relation to this case affected our federal government…to explain, why this self-sustained CBID-CBD-District was granted a power to rule over the Constitution…

    Governmental agencies, you can say, failed—for a-reason to understand a readily formulated recovery plan that actually works, for a relief area…but, we continue to allow incompetent authorities only list small values of damage based on-old Tax Assessor’s records is very little supplemented data to interface with real damage, yet the fraud in worthless underestimates is mostly done by insurance adjustors, will continue to distorts a real true certified damage assessments…

DISCRIMINATORY COMPLAINTS…20 Minute Web-Site Video…Coming Soon

    The State continues to fail in recognizing how to deal with racial complaints, like those 13 plus cases filed within the police department, yet the state can-not deny the visual damage in downtown or in the Red-River District still existing today, under-cutting personal property assessments, found to be a discriminatory issue, where CBID wanted control, of Red-River which escalated serious proscribed complaints, about the Chairman Frank Lott of the DDP that considered to expand the CBD zoning boundaries for the CBID…5-9-2006… Exhibit…5906

  • The forthcoming Statutory Discriminatory class-action in the near future, tributes to years of whiplash caused by officials, ignoring, a contort decline in civil-population, using these restricts, under this CBID power, which still holds a umbrella of bogus power over the people just to make them fail… abusing the controlled spending for something else… in such a crises, which targets a critical time for real need, which FEMA-TEMA did support the damage preliminaries, that was completed and reported on January 27, 1999…

    This slim to none damage report, below, shows a very poor calculated table, used in Clarksville that produced a faulty process, to acquire Federal Certification…

Damage Factor 1% to 15% 16% to 30% 31% to 50% Over 50% Total
Category Minor Moderate Major Destroyed Structures
Residential 228 49 6 37 320
Commercial/Industry 59 23 10 58 150
Government 0 2 3 2 7
Public/Semi-Public 6 6 2 6 20
APSU College 13 2 1 2 13
Totals 306 82 22 105 515

Exhibit #-101-27-99

    The Federal Emergency Management, (FEMA)…Director James Lee Whitt visited this area conducting a visual inspection, [failed], to bind a reasonable assessment, that follow-up later, to FEMA…warranted by President [Bill Clinton} that declare this a federal disaster area…

  • The damage figure at that time was only; 72.65 million, based on this poor table of text that meets no compliance, under this bogus CBID administration, which fail to complete an inaccurate assessment, which binds the governor [Don Sundquist]…at that time…
  • Losing such a large substantial amount of funding, came at no surprise under the authority from Director of FEMA, James Lee Whitt to reinforce, a Presidential declaration, releasing a sustainable amount for stabilizing for a 18-months period, in the sum of $15,744,000.00…
    Exhibit #-102-27-99

    This 1957 city charter continues to fail audit compliances, since the failed effort in 2003 that cost the pubic these privileged benefits…with no mercy from the State for accountability to research records for taxpayers, still missing from this disaster, which the state continues to support this illegal self-sustained CBID district…

    When Tipper Gore, Rosalind Kurita, and members from the Preservation trust did a public release in this devastated area called the Red-River-District…Tipper Gore…stated that help is on the way…and FEMA is a fantastic agency…!!!

    Please watch the 20 minute live video…clips and listen to the commits, about what she was going to have done to help that minority district…on this website, Tennesseepetitions.com coming soon on Goggle…

    We hope to have a full hour of raw video footage taken the morning after the tornado to follow-up with the live footage, where Tipper Gore was standing in that press conference, on that given day…

5. INTRODUCTION…TO THE CBID Exhibit # 103-4199
Clarksville Downtown Redevelopment Taskforce
Planning & Design Committee
    Unfortunately, David Riggings initiated Resolution 56-1998-99, to establishment this CBID Clarksville Central Business Improvement and Redevelopment District…Feb.4, 99 Exhibit 103-4…
  • The planning Commission Director David Riggins charged him self succeeding very well to form a readily design committee that identified a work reinforcement taskforce that condemned the old tax-base, setting new laws over the expectations of these old historical building to be restored…
  • The plan intentions, being to redesign an infrastructure that meets a better rezoning standard was for a new business district, that would promote personal funding, that inspired a selected control-arm from a sustainable partnership…DDP, being very successful in 6-years overturning the properties in this CBID-CBD…district… Exhibit…15,16,17,18-2-99
  • The Constitution strictly prohibits, masterminding a perpetrated scheme, building off the burden from a disaster this size, which created a profound illegal controlled based off using District, Boards, and Committees to control, heavy restrictions on these affected citizens…
1. PUBLIC HEARING… March 8, 99 FAILED, Continued March 29: concluded April 1, 1999
3. FIRST READING…ILLEGALLY EXTENTED March 11, 99 amended…Exhibit 3-1199
4. SECOND READING…April 1, 99…Exhibit #4199
5. CBID—CBD Corporation Implemented BY-LAW…empowered July1, 1999    Exhibit…6106
6. CBD— New ordinance 113-205-06 to condemn 266 old properties expanding the CBD. Zone
7. The City Departments were paid 11.42% FRINGE BENFITS, OVERTIME, PLUS-RETIREMENT
FEMA…125-15180 paid maximum benefits as well as overtime-labor in the disaster recovery…
    It’s amazing to learn how bold these men were, to destroy these dwelling within a new district for tax-base reform, having the courage to carry-out these, deceitful…acts…being very vulnerable for discriminatory charges personally, denying these old properties eligibility to receive proper historical trust funding…

    It took many months; to build these taskforces, with unlimited capabilities, paid 200K to create such a wrongful plan, just to empower themselves, to provide personal power at no mercy for disaster laws… The Clarksville Downtown Redevelopment Taskforce set carefully in consideration, how personal angles for control could steer around the Bank Secrecy Act, that distort provisions, for deceiving Banks, undetected by bank examiners,—capitalizing off inflated damage by appraisals, doing secrecy business for 6-years now within the CBID district community…

1. The City failed to provide a comprehensive, long-term plan to meet successful funding, because personal actions displayed in developing the deformities in the downtown…
2. Illegal…profiteering was made off this distorted landfill which the City officials called disaster-anomalous, contribution, to why 18-months of city street department records was covered-up from the auditors in 2003, that help distort the revitalization plan… The federal support was blocked from the public, not getting through, for a few investors, to bind these properties…placed in this illegal landfill…
3. We noted that the City text inappropriate board members worked countless hours to design substandard, ordinances, etc., subject to fail in how they administrated a preservation trusted-plan to maintenance the health of records in documenting the downtown’s historic characteristics, which the CBID was incapable, but chose to displace files, for these new provisions, that distorted the integral marketability…“Historic Clarksville.”
4. Injunctions to criminal charges…CBID-CBD-DDP, made permanent change over civil control [just] to sustain citizen control and capitalize off these historical property owners…
    Apparently the City Council was influenced by the only city attorney they needed David Haines since 1991, appointed by the State, which resigned 7-months ago…reclaiming this old state job back did-allow the Mayor to approve this Central Business Improvement District (CBID) illegally to take sustainable controllable benefits over the recovery, which Haines testified he had noting to-do-with-it.

1. The CBID failed the First reading, illegal just to enforce harsh restriction just days after the disaster, extend the first reading only 3-days after the council defeated this district 5 to 3 which Piper demanded to create the hiring of a Project Manager, under these forceful stipulated guidelines that caused an economic crises facing the people…set forth in Support Document. “A” that provided a timeline for hiring and filling a manager’s position, as quick as possible, being most urgent, ASAP…

10. March 2, 1999
Support Document “A” (Exhibit Page 19)
Design and Master Planning Committee
Exhibit 119/20-3-2-99
1. Criteria to hiring a redevelopment manager came under the Cities authority, exhausting all avenues to take advantage of this F4 tornado…
2. The City Council took action for the CBID officially beginning with a 50K budget.
3. The Redeveloping Manager, reported only to the Mayor, being a non-profit corporation charted as a Central Business Improvement District (CBID)…governed by the Economic development Board…George Halford/Joe Pitts…
4. This organization is still charged with the no-care responsibility for urban redevelopment resulting from the tornado damage, as well as stale plan that George Halford was faced with for economic growth within this no-funded collapsed district…
5. The Terms…for CBID Management employment, was a minimum of one-year, with a review of performance on how the recovery was going, reported ever 90 days and 180 days…to the executive officials…Mayor Piper, County executive Doug Weiland…
6. Compensation; the budgeted amount was $50,000 for the 12-months ($4167 Per-month).
7. CBID; directors were appointed by the Mayor of Clarksville… Johnny Piper …It was to operate under a 12-month extended contract to be managed only by the Clarksville / Montgomery County Economic Development Council (EDC)…Dick Batson…Counselor
8. The Chamber of Commerce, (EDC) provides office space, supporting staff for the CBID…
9. The CBID Redevelopment Manager being responsible and accountable for all 11 committee budget in 2000 …for $195,000 under Joe Pitts or George Halford…

Exhibit 121-22-23-24-99
11. Support Document “B” was incomplete
(Exhibit Page 21/22)(Ordinance 10-99-20 Fiscals yr pg 2)
32-Historic Building Damaged was the only Priority, order by Category to be review for restoration.

1. Governmental Building was the only Priority-number one, started with the Montgomery County Court House, plus a new 4-million dollar 911 Center…being in place before the next disaster there primarily priority…discriminating again-against the populace need for aid…
2. Condemning Funding for (19) additional Commercial Building identified months later…
3. (8) Residential Building only identified in the historical district…, mostly neglected as an non- important subject for the City of Clarksville Taskforce Committees to condemn…
4. Apparently, these 32 historic buildings were targets, controlling the priority list for the Federal Government to fain in assisting, during this entire recovery.
5. Mr. Herbert L. Harper, Director for the Tennessee historical preservation office…DENIED, 56 building…ELIGIBLE for Preservation… August 16, 99 Exhibit…71699
6. (37) Additional Building NOT ELIGIBEL under the HISTORIC PRESERVATION TRUST ACT. John D. White…Exhibit 62599…Glen Woodard…Response recovery division…

   The City Attorney David Haines…is face with hard-lines to perjury charges, being a untrustworthy professional man…ignored the complaints filed which he …lied numerous times about the disaster victims defrauded to the Supreme board complaints filed, about forcing the people to sign a liability Waivers, which released the State, County, and City from being liable…

1. The owner design assistance team made it impossible to reinforce property owners to seek assistance for building their properties; instead the new compliance was so restrictive to follow which most failed because the lack of funds to meet this new stipulated guideline…

2. These guidelines were established under the provisions of CBID, composed as a team of architect-engineers-members from local branches of the Middle Tennessee Chapter AIA…

3. Architect/Engineers on these committees failed to prepare a list of structural issues that addressed the funds forthcoming from the historical Façade Preservation Trust…

4. Architects donated their time [Free] and merchants donated goods & service [free], to serve the community, under a liability-waiver… However, when volunteer efforts contributed services, in returned we found that undisclosed collections for these services showed gains to the City, in-the sum of $59,112…submitted to FEMA, PA. ID # 125-151180…Project No. 157 INS NO. 4126… (Exhibit # 1262-1-2-3-4-6-7-8 FEMA)

5. Waiver restriction, were Coordinated through the City Attorney David W. Haines Jr. which he lied again, on Complaints filed March 27, 06(Exhibit # 28994-6-sg)…Herb-Patrick-Lewis CASE. 2005 over liability, pay-off-Scandal-in 2005…[$152,000.00] Exhibit # 120

6. Interim Oversight; had a restrictive group, appointed into power by Piper, until the CBID, Charter was Operative July 1,; This self-appointed Design Review Board was established on January 29, 1999 …illegally, requesting specific restriction to be require from the Taskforce Chairman David A. Riggins to enforce a reform plan within 60 days, to gain full power for the CBID from the council….

7. This Task Force divided itself into eight sub-committees with City officials on some boards to afflict committee power tailored in-time, which developed into a major racketeering scam… (Exhibit # 103)

8. The Downtown Clarksville Redevelopment Task Force proposed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, failed to pass ordinance 41-1998-99* on the first reading, to create this Clarksville Central Business Improvements and Redevelopment District, organized was illegal for the reason but in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated title 7, chapter 84, part 5…is a fraudulent way to control a disaster (Exhibit # 132-99)

9. An 11 member executive board of directors, was forced in recommendation by Mayor Piper, prematurely approved beforehand… before the City Council meets cast votes, pressuring the establishment by a flurry compliance under state statutes, composed as follow…

  • (7) Property owners or individuals who conduct business within the designated district.
  • (1) 67th District State Representative (currently then Kim McMillan).
  • (1) 22nd District State Senator (currently then and now Rosalind Kurita).
  • (1) County Representative recommended by the City Council. (Exhibit 150-51-99)
  • (1) Member of the City Council, appointed by the City Council.
  • (4) Ex-Officials (non-voting members)
    - Mayor Johnny Piper
    - County Executive Doug Weiland
    - Chairman of the Economic Development Council, George Halford…Joe Pitts
Exhibit # 132-33-34-99
  • Creating the authority (Ord. No. 41-1998-99, § 1, 4-1-99 (Budget) Ord. 10 Exhibit 10-9900
  • This By-law provision for CBID designated constant failures being underline Federal penalties, binding to this illegal description of laws will stop this CBID-CBD-DDP, Downtown District Partnership…?
  • Sec. § 11.312…Supp No. 42 1665
  • Planning and Zoning
    These regulations were intended to target rezoning, by placing forcible standards above the Cities ability to defend the damage to citizens personally that forfeited their duties that failed in halting these corrupt stipulations, overtook this Central Business District…

    A disputed conflict grew about disputed rezoning restrictions among the people; finally sets a example, of fraudulent standards…at 400 Franklin Street …that forced [The Our City Publishers] out of business…found later in pursuing this investigation… Exhibit, F&M 61907

    The CBD afflicted this business owner more than once personally by stop-work-orders, to influence control, condemning this Publishing Company, already post disaster indebted…

    This distorted formality were obviously, Mayor related, pressuring code officials to formulate, multiple Stop-Work-Orders on this project, using the CBD stipulated rezoning violation that cripple this business to take control of assets, that forceful bankers influenced this force sale one day before foreclosure… Federal Law (31 U.S.C. 5318(g)-(2)

    These perpetrated schemes, remain quite common today and still enforced under this CBD-CBID By-Law Corporation Sec.11.312 (5) (a) Front yard setback Exhibit 400-F

  • (1) Quote--- On parcels where structures existed prior to January 22, 1999, structures maybe built to the front property line or to the near edge of any existing sidewalks…
  • (2) On parcels where structures did not exist prior to January 22, 1999, the front setback shall be greater of the following…
  • (a) The Front Property line.
  • (b) The near edge of any existing sidewalk…
  • (c) Eight (8) feet from the top of the vertical face of the street side of any existing curb…
  • (d) Side yard: None
  • (e) Rear yard: twenty-five (25) feet

    (Exhibit # 11-312)
    This compiled By-Law proscribes such a stressful failure which had no timelines, procured after this natural disaster, superceded all Federal stipulated guidelines, to intervened, with proper quality assistance for civilians…. The first 6-months, prolonged, property restriction, deemed off-limits until the District was chartered…
    Meanwhile in the round about way, City records were reportedly, destroyed by managements during the same 18-months which the declaration, enacted to declare assistance to secure this disastrous event declared a devastated area…
The unsustainable records missing on each one of the 515 properties so called had a certified assessments completed was missing during a vital time that all civil documentation was being governed by this District committees
…FLAGGED by external Auditors April 23, 2003…Reported facts-of-findings fraud to the State Comptroller. Exhibit: AUDIT-5, Pg 10. Finding: 5-0. The Tennessee State Comptroller [John Morgan] was notified about this criminal conduct occurring several times, attempting to get answers, why this incomplete audit was allowed… [He never responded]
10 Committees fail to keep…Ledgers, Documents, CBID/DDP meeting minutes, which are scattered all over the place, in different locations, distorted to the point, they are declared missing. Initial Members (City Attorney David Haines acting Legal Counsel) for taskforce (Exhibit 130)
  • 1-Downtown Task Force…17-Voting Members…David Riggins, Chair
  • 2-Planning & Design Committee…16- Members-Dan Hanley, Chair
  • 3-Planning & Design Review Board 4-Members- Dan Hanley, Carolyn Pierce Co-Chair
  • 4-Downtown Organization & Structure Committee 5-Members, Earl Bradley, Chair
  • 5-Property Owners Committee 15-Members—Kim McMillan, Chair
  • 6-Historical Preservation Committee 16-Members-Jim Mann, Chair
  • 7-Infrastructure Sub-Committee 13-Members-Mark Holleman, Chair(Sub-Exhibit 131.a
  • 8-Communication & Public Relations Committee 6-Members-George Halford, Chair
  • 9-Budget & Finance Committee, Joe Pitts, Charles Hand, Mabel Larson, Chair
  • 10-DDP-Downtown District Partnership, 27-Members, Jan. 26, 2006 (Exhibit 132
  • CBID REVIEW BOARD HEARING DATES…for 2006 (Exhibit 11906
15. ILLEGAL LANDFILL -ON BOOT HILL…FEMA PAID Exhibit # 616-99 illegal
    We pieced back together enough information from the City /County and TEMA records that shows us in understanding what happen, being odd that 2 payment from FEMA one being in JULY-99 for $259,898.13 for demolition debris removal before the CBID chartered district was empowered July 1-99 which no-records or documentation…existed in FEMA/FEMA files prior to July’s payment for civil stabilization-helping victims to relocate…Please notice the date of the landfill being covered-up
    Before July the original Owners inside this new district, were restricted to 1-hour to return to their restricted property, had to sign a hold-harmless-agreement and for the ones who had very little to no, insurance to pay the City for their own demolition most likely was burred on Boot-Hill in that illegal landfill, regardless what engineer reports said…saying—the city tore them down anyway…
    We found that most builds debris materials were exempted at the Bi-County land-fill not condemned, in the first place, 56 to be exact, by structural engineering reports, but destroyed by the local officials…in some cases…a few in the night regardless the condition…
    This abnormal conduct to help disaster victims out the door, suppose to save their heritage…placing a very difficult afflicting situation on contractors, with no support funds, facing official friction and lies from codes to restrain help to relocate …what was left of their personal belongings, which most was lost or they were scammed out of what little personal insurance they had… Exhibit Acc 39300
    Mayor Piper pushed an expedited demolition contract on several building, particularly to tear down those historical ones setting a new inflated appraisal standard , explains how this new district worked especially hard on historical sites… Howell School at 501 Franklin St Demolition Bid Feb. 3, 99
    The purpose for a quick demo-proposal was instigated by [Piper] pushing an expedited lump-sump contract taking advantage of old assessments, for his engineer Neely to produce a perpetrated damage report to scam St. Paul insurance Co. out of 4-million Dollars on historical structures …
    This 70K historical building bought 3-months prior produced royalties; under the CBID fraudulent district management intentionally, to scam 2 different Insurance Companies for $6.7 M…
See the State of Tennessee A&E Examiners, Complaint Book-file…. Web-site Exhibit# 501
    The City Claimed responsibility to condemn most properties illegally while-being under Federal Protection, with no remedies to re-fund this event…in other words the City fail to honor the Constitution, laying down the warrantee coverage by President Clinton… consuming all associated liability, that rested on burden owners…being double crossed by a combination of fraudulent acts, just for their land…
    Victims were forced to sign a 1-hour limited access agreement we mention before, to go in their own damaged building to claim / remove small personal belongings, in a deemed unsafe dangerous dwelling…
    Eventually this lame condemnation methodology apparently worked, created a stigma for unqualified officials, that influenced their Authority to overturn property owners …
Exhibit 100-99
18. BANK FRAUD…BINDS to P-O-A FRAUD-DDP, District Downtown Partnerships
    Six-months after the tornado, the doors began to fly opened, for thieves to prey on these victims like buzzards would on a given today in the hot-sun…using a very successful method to restrain them mostly, is why bankers placed a collapsing-financial-grid-locked on the situation, in a desperate time of need short-term funds, that promoted certain Bankers to take advantage of the given opportunity to profiteer personally off these indebted loans beyond repair, a disadvantage for owners to refinance.
    The bankers chose to side with these boards…CBID; to inflate this district with no mercy, for victims to recover from post debt, carried out before demolition, potentially undermined them…This post impact caused small businesses to suffer, restrained from funding, intentionally overthrew historical indebt-ness… Second Street 116,114,110,108, 136Franklin St.
    When we unveiled the Banking Secrecy Act…Anti- Money Laundering, regulation…12CFR 21.11, Suspicious Activity…It’s very clear to mind, that bankers brutality leveraged victims for land, granting themselves the reserve-right-for power to take advantage from theses poor conditions, aimed to deprive most taxpayers, which destroyed their livelihood…
Paul Whitlow—Elinor Thurman—Charles Suggs —Reese Bagwell—Gary Hodges— etc
Visual Tour of Elinor Thurman's House
    This mastermind excellences, expressed a prime example, how disaster Fraud works in reference to how con-artist, can influence business owners to sign-contracts, just to make up a 30% profit sharing scheme in attempt to sue the insurance carriers… These fraudulent patterns link to poor engineering decisions which local developers helped with this one case bluffed the carriers Southern Trust…to pay an inflated profit…
    It’s clear several Appraisals/Engineers/ Architects influenced the mayor for St. Paul insurance Co, to pay an unrealistic amount for historical School damage…on-top-of FEMA paying generously to extend the Police department funds for them to under-going a long-term planning to fabricate a new location... The only achievement in this scam was to benefit personally, connected disaster fraud”…apparently baffles the prosecutors, to understand how you can get away with this happening in America…
    It’s the keenest perpetrated scam pulled off so-far in Clarksville, with no way to stop these self-sustained parties, who just keep manipulating disasters, spiraling around different types of formed organized crime, swindling the civil-liberties…right-out-from under the Law-enforcers …
    On February 24, 2000, the first lawsuit was filed, charging the City of Clarksville for negligence in knowing how to safe-keep-records, failing to take responsibility to protect citizens…steered by the city attorney to influence a letter by Piper to over ruled the departments heads to stop making disastrous decision …used as a exhibit in depositions to cover-up this illegal conspiracy, exhibit 31720

    THAT NOTICE was from the mayor…after the fact used in court, being a whole year of verbal orders made before this Lawsuit…for which department heads, stopped making personal decisions in telling contractor what and how to destroy…March 27, 2000 FROM MAYOR PIPER, Effective immediately. Exhibit 18 Crocker/Lewis

21. FRAUDULENT STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS Exhibit 3-17-20…103-20…3-6-07
    David Haines was the only one attorney this City had since 1991… commenced to drive lawsuits into the ground, to last least three years…? [The Patrick Case]…Which is clear now that those disaster crimes committed were covered-up, exhausting most cases, binds to a 3-year State statute, restricting these, superceding for complaints to retaliation with their limited ability…?
    This contractor battle to sustain enough work, trying to grossly pay bogus attorneys, barely making enough income to overcome inflated Attorney Fees, which overturned into bankruptcy at the end of this 3-year statute of limitation event… finished him off…they thought…
    This Attorney, fled with this one particular contractor records, in-knowing a state statue, would cover the prolonged financial inability, which Haines stop certain contractor from ever doing business under litigation against the City of Clarksville, basically got my attention in late 2002/2003, focusing on how particular case, can still survive litigation-bankruptcy for 7-years…
  • On November 10, 2004 this contractor was influenced to file bankruptcy…unable to recover from a disaster-related lawsuit filed in 2000… Exhibit…David Haines 2 feet thick of Files…
  • On May 16, 2007 this contactor filed a complaint in the bankruptcy court for relief to collect assets from F&M Bank/ Southern Title Co. in the amount of $163,673.00 being a concealed asset since the force sale in 2005…under this CBID-CBD stipulation…
  • On May 22, 2007 this contractor filed another complaint in compliance with the bankruptcy code, holding attorneys for (negligence) to file compensations disclosures documents…
  • On May 31, this contractor filed another motion in bankruptcy to fire his attorney, June 12, 2007…for negligence to represent the case…GRANTED…
  • On June 12, 2007… The judge granted DISSMISS of debtor attorney…
  • On June 18, 2007…Debtor- Files…a 7-year malpractice complaints against his attorneys
  • On June 18, 2007…Reopen Complaint files No. 289946-s-g…Perjury Charges…
    The City’s attorney intentionally stalled this lawsuit to paralyze numerous complaints-claims for a suspicious conspiring situation using his officials; as shields to combat against this debtor for the rest of his life, which contradicts how this perpetrated scam, was completely carry-out…

    I have emphasized a great deal, to our leaders, to enforce federal agencies, to better-explain how related schemes of conspiracies, are carried-out, in such a recognizable form of discriminatory patterns, will showed up in this case that the City attorney played-a-distinctive role-in allowing strict controls, defaulting the lack for disaster support, missing in the last distorted audit of 2003…

  • It was September 16th 2003 when we got our biggest break, came to light in understanding, how the city conveyed its power to the economic administrative services George Halford / Joe Pitts…which they made sure the 871 purchase orders’ showed lack of proper documentation in Gas&Water records, contributes to a major portion of AIM the main cause for fraud, which we found from 1999 to the end of 2002, initially causing the auditors to default…
  • This break propelled us to further investigate more clues, starting to piece back together information as to what really happen to the federal funding allocated and why all these victims were so mistreated…
  • In 2003, the reelected Mayor Trotter failed to keep his promises to all his supporters after all the stressful victims lived to help him regain his seat, which turns out he betrayed—them all…
  • The Comptroller John Morgan also a big disappointment was contacted the second time on December 17,2004…to investigate…{NO RESPONSE} Exhibit 121704
  • The factual content cover-up, leans to Trotter’s acquaintance with Gas & Water [AIM] dealing underhanded with the AIM management, Exhibit 1-17-06…explains why all disaster records were restricted from audit, blocked from auditors not-only during the [Piper] administration, 4-years, having no other choice but to conceal records pertaining to discriminatory crimes…
  • Exhibit…June 16, 2006 State-Audit Dennis Dycus…Report June 19, 2006 DA John Carney
  • Hauck/DA John Carney Office…New Lease Sept. 23, 2003 Exhibit 92303
  • Montgomery County…Disaster Audit Fiscal Year from 1999/2003… Exhibit 11505
  • Tennessee Board of Regents (APSU) Disaster Financial Report… Exhibit 12005
  • City of Clarksville Extraordinary Accounting Analysis (Disaster-Records)… Exhibit 11105
  • TEMA…Records for $15,744,000.00…Expenditures break-down….. Exhibit 32605
  • FEMA…Records for $15,744,000.00…Expenditures break-down….. Exhibit 32605-3
  • Homeland Security…Audit Report…TEMA/FEMA/City Claims…... Exhibit 8105
    Ironically, David Haines gave us a bogus audit…Sept. 16, 2003, which give us the break we needed in a critical time, that triggered us with enough clues-bits-an-pieces- in some sense to know an figure out how and why Clarksville could never attempted to complete any form of an external Audit…!!!
    When the Mayor accused Ed Hadley, in 2003 being the director of Codes for 18 years was fired for record distortion Oct. 1 2002… It came very interesting to know that the city created a anonymous letter in a noxious way, just to create a complaint filed into the hands of the human services director that slapped a political investigate on Mr. Hadley’s life style, using him for a premature sexual harassments scheme that charged him Exhibit 10-1-02 by a untitled complaints filed by his co-worker …that almost cost Mr. Hadley to lose his wife and kids…!
    This formulated public harassment is common in Clarksville, being the only alibi, to exposed him in the newspaper, exposing the quality of Clarksville’s nature in embarrassing Mr. Hadley personally, with no solid evidence or explanation, except to terminate him with blame and sham, for records either he may destroyed or had distorted by management, firing this codes director Nov. 20th 2003…
Exhibit anonymous letter 10-1-02…Exhibit 5-10-50 [Exhibit 200-3, vol.193.No.329-2003]
    The city engineer Ed Neely gave his first deposition on May 23, 2002 shows his ability to handle disaster, becoming over his head during this process for refunding, costing him to resigned, and ironically, he couldn’t take the heat from that post distorted 4-years, caught in the arson cross-fire; indeed put him in the highlight of a disputed audit process in early 2003, which he failed in reporting corruption, cause the State wouldn’t hear-it on how/why engineers records became distorted, when it came across the contractual details to James Associates, which he deferred the crimes Dennis Dycus and the non-responsive state investigators during the audit in early 2003…? Exhibit TBI Report…

    Mr. Neely’s…first job for the City was on February 4th 1999; learning disaster assessments, one being a building known as the historical Howell School that burned/Arson on Dec, 24 1999…

    Looking back throughout this distinctive factitious time, a number of questionable issues kept surfacing, that concern the real ability Ed Neely’s had or experience level to deal with damage reports, being a limited civil engineer as he was only employed just days after the disaster hit working for the Gas&Water, that authorized him to have authority by [Piper} at that time to be influence in knowing the outcome how these heavy damaged building would historically survive… Exhibit Book 2499

    On December 10, 1999…the City forced demolition on 5 more building at 136/108/110/114/116 Second Street, which 114/116 were demolished before foreclosure…The State Security Division was first notified on Nov. 18, 99 of the foreclosure and F&M Bank was the lien holder, on this and other structures…The first Foreclosure Publication Notice was filed on December 13, 20, and 27…3-days after demolition on the 10th forced by F&M on the court house on January 5, 2000 at 11:00 a.m. that the bare lot bought $76,000 to Wayne Wilkerson…which he resold for $109,831.48…
    Neely, was an inexperienced structural engineer, failed to deal with disastrous related issues basically shows the Federal/State incompetence’s to stop over-ruling these lack of skills, abolishing …these historical structures, instead of preserving theses analyzed conditions by EMS Structural P.C. No. 99620 on 1-27-99…that showed healthily structural reports on how to save, stabilize and fix all these historical structures, for the original owners.
    Neely, failed to lesson from several structural reports filed to save these building…instead he helped with this magnitude of fraud, deteriorated his job fast, under pressure by these Mayors, the entire 4.8-years he was employed at the Gas&Water… Exhibit…AIMS…Dennis Dycus John Carney Report
    With this magnitude of damage… the STATE never focused, on getting proper aid or had any intentions to sustain a support stabilization plan for civilians to restore these historical building.
    On October 3, 2000—Ed Neely — showed again a poor level of incompetents, on this one particular case commit him self in knowing how to fix these walls for Herb Patrick Gary Hodges, Bill Aldred, stalling, complaints for the CBID board to approve some waterproofing , on both walls that Patrick, doesn’t own in the first place…Yet…Neely was Fired in 2003 after the city council still blaming the Contractor, in 2005, approving another 152K in funds to pay Patrick for these not-fixable mistakes Neely/ Crocker made everyday the first year…which before the council meeting that night, Mayor Trotter became sick with a upset stomach and Segovia resigned…Exhibit 10320
    On July 2, 2001…Ed Neely still, issued an expert discloser to the court for the record, filed against the contractor…still in bankruptcy, in 2007, which filed the first Lawsuit back in 2000…
Neely testified that this contractor failed to waterproof a 100 year old historical, free-standing-walls setting on dirt-mud-footings in basements area submerged in water that can collapse anytime…
    It became very clear that Neely was influenced by this CBID-CBD to overturn a logical professional decision just for the DDP to beat these owners/contractor then and still now… an on Oct. 3, 2000 he determined at a CBID meeting minutes, he stated, the City was obligated to fix and waterproof all these old historical walls… Exhibit…Expert Disclosers, Neely 5/23/02

    FLAG—2003…Complaint filed…Sept. 18 in the CBID meeting minutes stated overgrown weeds and safety-fencing is still down after 4-years at a vacant lot on Franklin Street… Exhibit…92303

    FLAG—2003 November 24th Monday night council meeting… Just before Mayor Trotter Fired Mr. Neely, saying you had better watch you’re self to a decree, that some citizens/contractors had made serious complaints to the Mayors office about his disastrous unprofessional performance…

    Firing Ed Neely on the 25th relates to a very important role that he played, discovered later, which he still carries enough personal knowledge, in-terms-to how he was being used, in-depth for this conspiracy to take over this town… Exhibit-Turned-evidence- State Auditor Paper article 1125-2003

    On December 25, 2003 The Fraudulent Audit was reported to the State, with very little details at that time reported from us but the real auditor were packing…about why/how the city records were destroyed, during and after a major disastrous situation…No Response…
    On December 29, 2003, the public pressure was great enough to force all 16 department heads left to sign some form of a confidentially agreement in the council chambers after months of bickering over firing the codes director and the civil engineer which was cover-up by both Mayors of Clarksville which at that given time frame this City attorney David Haines was riding the fence and allowed the failure to disclose a formal request for this external audit in 2003. Exhibit…No.122903
    The city council had no intentions to pay for a prompt audit…voted to pay Herb Patrick $152,000.00 for repairs on his law office overriding, paying other victims, which the codes authority, did issued an unsafe structure violation still valid today avoiding a lawsuit…Yet.. Patrick was paid for this bogus claim for water damage caused by poor reconstruction that Lewis did in 1999…Which is why the Council covered-it-up…basically with know other choice but to block the AUDIT in 2003.
    The internal wall before the tornado became external wall in August of 1999 and the demolition agreement left exposed walls to the weather elements, still today…7 years later…
In 2004…John P. Branham,…Patrick’s attorney told the council…you’ve got to fix it…however the full council did on the previous meeting unanimously approved the money in the form of a settlement …provided the city would be released from any liability regarding the walls…
    The ongoing bankruptcy case today was caused by this ridicule engineer, that Lewis was blamed for water damage now 7-year later…being absurd that the city approved funds to distort the audit over these non-repairable walls that Patrick doesn’t own…nor can they ever be fixed Exhibit No. 113004
    The State of Tennessee A&E board of examiners was notified…picking…upon complaint filed concerning the unethical engineering reports, filed against the CITY OF CLARKSVILLE …Which…ALLOWED THEIR OWN BOARDS OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS to override accrual structural engineering reports concerning rebuild-able dwellings that were not condemned by several engineers or being a total loss by certified damage reports… (But) these 5-board members voted, to allow a STAY…for this one unfit dwelling…carries a big discriminatory price tag… Herb Patrick Case,—Exhibit No. 22607- Book Volume 2499
Prohibited Warning…18.USC, §641
36. NOTIFIED GOVERNOR BREDESEN…8-5-05 Exhibit 08505
37. RESPONSE FROM THE TBI…DEFERRED…8-13-04 Exhibit 81304
39. NOTIFIED FEMA / FOIA FOR RECORDS…3-02-05 Exhibit 05068
40. RED CROSS RECORDS REQUESTED…3-7-05 Exhibit 03705
41. MONTGOMERY CO. RELEASED RECORDS…3-25-05 Exhibit 32505
42. $25,000.00 Check FORGERY…FRAUDULANT- P-O-A… 2-24-04 Exhibit 10704
43. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL…4-21-05 Exhibit 42105
47. REPORTED POWER-OF-ATTORNEY FRAUD…8-30-05 Exhibit 83005
48. LAMAR ALEXANDER…Deferred to DHS…8-30-05 Exhibit 83005
49. HOMELAND SECURITY…Deferred to DHS Exhibit 91405
51. PUBLIC NOTICES FILED…9-30-05 Exhibit 93005
52. NOTIFIED THE FBI…12-05-05 Exhibit 120505
54. CONFIRMATION…FBI…1-27-06 Exhibit 12706
55. NOTIFIED THE FBI…2-03-06 Exhibit 20306
57. NOTIFIED LAMAR ALEXANDER…FRAUD…4-19-06 Exhibit 41906
59. US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE…5-23-06…Civil Division Exhibit 52306
60. US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE…5-25-06… (Civil) Exhibit 52506
61. US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE…5-25-06…Criminal Division… Exhibit 52506
65. REPORTED LANDFILL FRAUD…8-17-06…web-site Exhibit 81706
69. INSURANCE INVESTGATORS FILED…5-29-07 Exhibit 52907


    It’s imperative; the general public understands and knows our constitutional values, recognizing we must reinforce the people to understand these scam problems exist, encountering to fix this non-performing government…

    This being the only choice in protecting our people placed under these overwhelmed conditions, is that we must contain a keen understanding to recognize these fraudulent signs, that con-artist teach in such a lame-man terms, maybe your only defense in shying away from detailed fraud-relations, if our laws are going to continue to ignoring these federally failing processes…

    If we act on how this failed event, being a learning tool and most a step for our justice systems, which in this case may understand lawful guidelines, being misinterpreted in our complaints filed that gives uneducated officials this delegated power when emergency management is desperately needed…

    This incident that happen in Clarksville destroyed the heart of this community, which took well over 200 years to build and only 6-minutes to destroy…

    The American people must learn to be an important vital role, very much aware of their duties before a forceful situation, is on you, with no instant help in any given time, emphasizing general public must be experienced and able to with stand the wicked wrath one sets, which will has no mercy on your wait for trusted help, finding your self being a vulnerable prey in a bad situation at most any given time or place, never rescued from these long-term occurrences caused by catastrophic fraud, is a hard fact but a true serious lesson, for warning you about these perpetrated threats thrive…

    Personal suffering still occurred to our citizens with no control or protection for white-collar predators, unless we identify these areas, which—several citizens are still missing, that lived in Clarksville at that given time, will never understand how or what really happen to them, personally…

    If we don’t restitute these problems, for futures Katrina victims, we will never be able to, manage or self sustain-proper support for them to help their selves…to with stand this unsustainable economic collapse for years after the fact, that may occur most anytime…

    If we apply all the knowledge we have gather and factor in what we yet to learned on top of the past 6+ years struggling… maybe we can hub around these selected fields of fraud to get a better educated handle to take responsible to make sure funds get to these agencies promptly, especially for getting to those in bondage that will never be able to withstand or survive another shortcoming of a second disaster…

    We have learned in details a wealth of knowledge from this investigation, results, being one that no one really understands how these victims ever survive, that lost everything they once own in cases, being a very simple answer that our Constituent leaders simply failed to empower the proper taskforce to stop these raging thieves…

    This embarrassing incident is a historic mark, which occurred to these citizens, in the town area in Clarksville, now is aimed at the throat of Congress to hear in terms, to reinforce the Supreme rulers in such away, to penalize these civil crimes that overthrow corruptible problematic conspiracism— meaning, to stop disastrous luxuries-made by white-collar…defrauders…

    Having to meet this challenge head-on, with no turning back, has pushed these committee members to an extreme profile, setting multiple examples for failures based on uncontested crimes committed; set forward that bonds citizens rights that rest within the Constitution, to make sure our Government understands clearly and knows we have a nation problem to set higher standards to overcome these detrimental nightmares, is the primary reason in detail form why this one event will bankrupt the City of Clarksville…


Robert H. Melton

    This is a form of feedback information, for a special formal invitation requesting your help from the Disaster Audit Committee in Nashville Tennessee…?
We need your help, concerning any information about the listed topics above or anybody you may know that would having knowledge of these typical matters.

    If you have any information that pertains to the whereabouts’ of some unaccounted victims that lived in Clarksville from 1999 to 2003, or if you know of someone related to friends that may know something in relation to what happen from this affected disastrous event…

Please contact us…
To: Disaster Audit Committee
10 Quality Way
Nashville, TN 37040

Or Tennesseepetitions.com Or Meltonbobby1@yahoo.com

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